About Us

My Dog Teachers is based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. We train using positive rewards and praise. Our training is for people seeking better communication with their dogs; people hoping to take the struggle out of owning a dog. We can help with nervous dogs, reactive dogs, destructive dogs, barky dogs, exuberant dogs. My Dog Teachers has the flexibility to meet you and your dog’s needs. We are always continuing our education about dogs, thereby providing you with the best, well-researched training options available. My Dog Teachers uses a science based approach to dog training and behavior modification concepts to provide you with a force-free style of dog training. No force, no pain, no intimidation, no choke chains, leash corrections, prong collars, shock collars, physical molding, or any type of dominance maneuvers.

Our Trainers are:

• American Kennel Club (AKC) S.T.A.R. Puppy Trainer and Evaluators
• American Kennel Club (AKC) Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Certified Evaluators

“Training should be about helping animals succeed in the world we’ve created for them, not boosting our egos.” ~ Dr. Grey Stafford

With My Dog Teachers, we feel that dog training is about building better communication skills between you and your dog. Everything is based on positive reinforcement and dog psychology. Our clients learn how to work with their dog through body language, loyalty and love. Your companion will want to work with you because the training is fun and natural for your dog. We work with all breeds of dogs, all behavior types (aggressive or submissive) and with every family who wants a well-mannered companion. All family members are welcome and encouraged to join in on the training! At My Dog Teachers, all students, both canine and human, are treated with dignity and respect. All training methods used are positive, fun and effective. With My Dog Teachers, the emphasis is not about showing off how well controlled your dog is, but rather about developing a wonderful relationship based on effective communication that results in a well-trained and voluntarily cooperative dog! It’s about making that all important connection with your canine companion through positive reinforcement, not compulsion!